Sunday, 30 October 2016


Looking after yourself can be hard. For me, there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to be able to do myself justice, so much to do and so little time, as the saying goes. BUT there is a way you can look after yourself, without having to go all out. So without further ado, here are a few things I do for myself!
Drink Water: this is so simple, yet so many people forget it. You should aim to drink around 8 glasses of water a day, but how many of us actually do this? I know I don't, and I suffer for it. I'm talking sore heads, dry skin, breakouts and a really horrible feeling that my body is full of toxins. However, I find that when I drink a least a bottle of water a day, these aren't major problems for me.
Shower: once again, its so simple, yet so simply forgotten. Showering or bathing is the best way to get rid of all the negative energy you may have picked up from the previous day. There is something about having a nice, hot shower; its almost as though I'm giving myself a fresh start!
Sleep: now at this point you may be thinking "seriously, who is gonna forget to sleep?" but it isn't necessarily about whether you do sleep (everyone has to sleep) but more about how many hours you get a night. I would say on average I get about 5-6 hours a night, which may seem like a lot, but isn't enough. You need at least 8 hours sleep a night in order for your body to function effectively. I would recommend that about 30 minutes before you plan to go to bed, give yourself a little pamper session, read a book and stay the hell away from social media as you'll only be sucked into the black hole that we call the internet and by the time you look out the window, the sun will have risen and you won't have slept a wink.
Tan and Makeup: this one's more for the gals (but don't feel excluded boys, you can participate in this too). I love makeup. I love experimenting with new eye looks, I love practicing my brows and eyeliner, I love finding new eyeshadow and lipstick combos... I just love it and for me, doing my makeup is sooo therapeutic and relaxing. I simply get lost in a land of foundations and highlighters. And don't even get me started on tan. You could be having the worst day of your life, but by applying a coat of tan, you can turn that day around! I feel so much more confident and self-assured when I'm wearing tan and it makes every outfit look a million times better!
Me Time: this is proper 'Me Time'. This is the time when you put your phone on the charger in a different room, when you slide your laptop to the other side of the desk, when you sit back and put your feet up and just enjoying spending a little bit of time in your own company. It sounds lonely, I get that, but sometimes what we desperately need in life is 15 minutes where there is absolutely no one asking anything of us. Have a bath, light a candle and just relax... your body and mind will thank you for it.
Treat Yo'self: treating yourself is something that everyone needs to start doing. Why in God's name are you waiting for someone to buy you a gift, when you can buy yourself a gift? There is no shame in buying yourself that new makeup product you've been dying to try, or slashing out on that gorgeous pair of shoes you've had your eye on for the past week. You can be your own admirer! To be fair, sometimes you can go a tad overboard with this one, I'm guilty of this (and believe me, it probably does more damage than it does good) but there is a feeling of euphoria when you spend a couple of extra pounds on yourself, just because you deserve it.
These things are easy to do and actually enjoyable once you get into the swing of things, so if you've been looking for a sign to turn things around, or a gentle nudge in the right direction, consider this it. You are the only person who can truly look out for you.
Until next time...


  1. You're right, there is no shame in buying a gift for yourself! It's important to spoil yourself once in a while haha

    Check out my latest post:

    1. Your blog is amazing, I just added it to my reading list x

  2. I am definitely a huge fan of the treat yo' self!!!

    1. Right? If I don't treat myself, I don't get treats! x

  3. I LOVE this post!
    I think that taking care of yourself is SO important. I also have to get better on the sleeping part though...

    Bella xx

  4. I definitely need to take that sleep tip! Somehow I always forget how important it is! Fab post <3

    1. Thank you! I definitely have one of the worst sleeping patterns imaginable x
