Friday, 2 September 2016


Ah, it's that time again- back to school. Although this is merely another day in the journey to having a fancy degree to our name for some, for others this is a very daunting experience.
I know, for myself, that starting back at school brings various different feelings.
I love getting organised! Notebooks, folders, pens, pencils, diaries, post-it notes, calendars, all of it is my guilty pleasure (I know, how sad is that?). But that's just my thing. Sure, summer is amazing and filled with spontaneous adventures, but there is something about getting organised and back into a routine that really excites me.
However, like every teen I too have my moments when I think "Do I really need an education?" and the answer for me (unfortunately) is yes. School for me was never an easy thing. I got bullied in my first year of secondary school and although I don't get bullied anymore, that experience has left a mark on how I view school. I'm an introvert, meaning I don't necessarily put the biggest effort into starting conversations with people, which then leads to me spending a lot of time in my own head or staring into space. Yes, this tends to mean that I get a little lonely throughout the day (don't get me wrong, I have friends but I don't spend every minute of the school day with them) but this time I have to myself comes with a sliver lining as it means that I am able to focus on my studies and therefore do quite well in all of my classes.
I know that bullying is a serious problem for many people and it can lead to people not coming to school for fear that they may be hurt or made fun of. Here is some advice that really is very simple an easy to follow: if you or someone you know is being bullied, the best thing you could possibly do is tell an adult that you trust.
Of course there are other reasons that some people despise the thought of going back to school. Anxiety is another issue for me, for example I get anxious in large crowds and when I'm surrounded by people I don't really talk to, but I also get very anxious at the thought of being late or looking stupid in front of my classmates. This, obviously, impacts my education as I feel as though I can't ask questions when I don't understand something.
However school can be someone's favourite place in the may be their escape from a bad time at home or they may simply find comfort in seeing their friends- everyone is different.
I started school today and am now into my last year of education before university, which means that I'm going to be very busy (already I have two open days at some universities to attend next week) and A-Level work is much more demanding than AS and GCSE.
I think I'm going to pick a day (probably a Friday as I'll have some free time) to post weekly and keep a schedule so be sure to look out for posts!
Did anyone else start school this week?
Until next time...

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